Halloween is right around the corner…can you believe it? With 14, count them, 14 grandchildren…I needed to find an inexpensive and quick way to create some cute Trick or Treat Bags. Thus this Oly-Fun™ Mummy Trick or Treat Bag came to be…the first of several to be made before Halloween comes…yikes!

Isn’t this an adorable Oly-Fun™ Mummy Trick or Treat Bag?
Here’s how to make your own:
Step 1:
Cut 15 – 24 strips of Oly-Fun™ in assorted sizes from 1″ – 2″.
Step 2:
Place strips on one panel of the Oly-Fun™ as shown above.
Then, continue adding strips diagonally and pinning as shown above.
Step 3:
Stitch strips in place and then, trim off excess, this is the front of the bag. Sew the front of the bag to the bag of the bag, along the sides and bottom.
Step 4:
Fold straps in half and sew and then place and sew onto the bag.
Step 5:
Die cut letters of the name from pink, 2 large circles from pink and 2 smaller circles from black.
Step 6:
Glue the wiggle eyes onto the black Oly-Fun™ circles and then onto the pink circles and then, glue onto the bag under the strips.
Step 7:
Glue the name onto the bag.
Now it is time to for you create an Oly-Fun™ Mummy Trick or Treat Bag for the child in your life…enjoy!

Today is the first day of Creative Halloween Crafts hosted by Laura, Meg, Beth and myself…check out the projects below for some more great Halloween projects!
Beth created some adorable Ghost from Recycled Bottles over at CreativelyBeth.

Looking for an adorable Halloween Door Decoration? Head over to Makeable Crafts and check out this Witches Boot Meg created.

Laura made a spooky Spiderweb Candy Drink Topper which is perfect for a special treat for little ones.

Lindsay over at Artsy Fartsy Mama created an adorable Candy Corn Treat Bowl you have to check out!

Need a Halloween Sign? Check out this quick and easy one from Erica from 5 Little Monsters.

Elise, who blogs over at Polka Dotted Blue Jay, created a FREE SVG file for this fun Tee Shirt.

Candice from She’s Crafty made some quick and easy Jack-o-Lantern Planters for succulents.

Heather shares how to make a Teal Pumpkin Banner over at Easy Felt Crafts.

I think the mummy Halloween bag is a great idea. And what a nice round up of creative Halloween projects.
Thank you so much!